[VR-content/Film] Connected Dreams 接続された夢 2020

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To facilitate connections, the artist selected environments conducive to replication in the viewer’s browser. The panoramic, 360°format encourages the viewer to proactively explore the video works, as well as the evolving nature of our internet-connected world.
To that end, the artist suggests using a smartphone for an optimal experience of the work.

The 8th century Chinese poet Li Bai wrote, “Life in the world is but a big dream; I will not spoil it by any labour or care.
The sentiment seems all too ironic in the 21st century context. Now, it’s easier than ever before to escape into dreamland. From the moment we wake, we are plugged into our phones, connected to the physical manifestation of our desires.

The global pandemic has only accelerated this vicarious phenomenon. Unable to interact directly in the real world, in physical space, the serendipitous encounter in pubs and cafes has become a fleeting figment of the past. Those intimate, personal connections are now the stuff of dreams.

Perhaps this impersonal mode of existence – where all connections and interactions are fulfilled via smartphone – will foretell an atrophying of the city, dispelling our dreams into a swirling shroud of darkness.
Ahead of the Biennale, Owaki traveled throughout Yamagata with a 360° camera, recording the prefecture in immersive detail. The three resulting videos are presented here as three distinct dreams.



「処世若大夢 胡為労其生」(この世は夢のようではないか、何故苦労して生きるのか)と言ったのは李白である。


The work is best viewed on a smartphone or tablet. (However, streaming quality depends largely on your internet bandwidth. If your wireless connection is laggy, please view the work on a computer with cable internet access.)

To View on a Smartphone
1, Download the YouTube app, if not already installed on your device. *1
2, Tap on the video to begin playback.
3, Tap the “full screen” icon on the left-hand side of the screen.
4, Tilt your phone up, down, left, and right to navigate. *2

To Experience on a Computer
1, Click “play” to start the video.
2, Click the “full screen” icon.
3, Drag your mouse cursor to navigate directly in the video. Alternatively, click on the multi-directional scroll icon located in the upper left-hand corner to explore the video in 360°.

*1 Please note that older versions of the YouTube app are unable to support VR. Ensure that you are using the latest OS and app updates for an optimal viewing experience.
*2 The app responds uniformly to directional input. Walking with your phone in hand and abrupt movements will not dramatically affect the scrolling speed.


1, 端末にyoutubeのアプリがインストールされていることを確認ください。*1
2, 動画の再生ボタンをタップ。
3, 全画面表示ボタンをタップ。 スマートフォンを上下左右に動かして鑑賞ください。*2

1, 動画の再生ボタンをクリック。
2, 全画面表示ボタンをクリック。
3, マウスをドラッグすると画像がスクロールします。ドラッグと同じく、画面左上のコントローラーでもスクロールします。向きたい方へ画像が移動して鑑賞ください。

*1 バーションによってはVRに対応していないバーションがありますので、可能な限り機種とアプリを最新のものをお使いください。
*2 歩いたり、腕を大きく動かしても映像変化はありません。

Shimu, Tree | 思夢、樹

Shooting day:August 4, 2020.
The Great Cedar of Tsukanezawa
Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, Aza Kumanodoh, Tree species: Sugi (Japanese cedar)
Height:33m, Trunk circumference 9.3m, Estimated 1000 years old, designated as a natural monument by Yamagata Prefecture (designated on April 1, 1952)

樹種 スギ
樹高 33m
目通り幹囲 9.3m
推定樹齢 1000年
環境庁「日本の巨樹・巨木林 北海道・東北版」による


Kumu, Town | 懼夢、街

Shooting day: August 4, 2020
Mogami River Nakayama Green Space
Nagasaki 6217, Nakayama-cho, Higashimurayama-gun, Yamagata.
Suzuran Path
1 Kasumi-cho, Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture.

最上川中山緑地運動広場 山形県東村山郡中山町大字長崎6217
すずらん道り 山形県山形市香澄町1丁目


Gakumu, Sky | 愕夢、空

Shooting day: August 3, 2020
Tohoku University of Art and Design
3-4-5 Kamisakurada, Yamagata City, Yamagata, Basic Design:Tohoku University of Art & Design, Implementation Design:Toshio Homma & Associates + Regional Environment Planning Laboratory, 1992

東北芸術工科大学 山形県山形市上桜田3丁目4−5
基本設計 学校法人東北芸術工科大学設立準備委員会
実施設計 本間利雄建築設計事務所+地域環境計画研究室1992


Direction: Richi Owaki
Performance: Ariha SATO , Richi OWAKI
Music: YukihikoYotsukura
Produced: Hiroyuki Aoyama
Cooperation: Sachiko Chida, Hideaki Murayama, Kyoko Ifuku
Sponsor: Tohoku University of Art and Design Yamagata Biennale 2020
360-degree video, 5.7K(5760x2880dot), insta360EVO

360-degree video, 5.7K(5760x2880dot), insta360EVO