This is a video tutorial produced for the workshop “RAM CAMP in Kyoto” offered at KYOTO EXPERIMENT Kyoto International Performing Arts Festival 2017. You can study the outline of the workshop. Tutorials #05#06 can be used universally for creating choreography for dance using motion capture.
KYOTO EXPERIMENT京都国際舞台芸術祭2017で開講されたワークショップ「RAM CAMP in Kyoto」のために制作されたビデオチュートリアルです。ワークショップの概要が勉強できます。チュートリアル#05#06はモーションキャプチャーを使ったダンスのための振り付けの創作に汎用的に使用できます。
Contents [hide]
01 Intro
02 Set up
#2_set up It does not work on 64-bit.
03,04 Demonstration Videos
05 (Prep) How to generate movement with “rules”.
06 Hands on with RAM Dance Toolkit
Culture City of East Asia 2017 Kyoto: Exchange Program
KYOTO EXPERIMENT Kyoto International Performing Arts Festival 2017
Developed and Directed by YCAM InterLab, Yoko Ando
Lecturer: YCAM InterLab (Mitsuhito Ando, Takayuki Ito, Richi
Owaki, Akiko Takeshita, Clarence Ng),
Kenta Kojiri, Motoi Shimizu (backspacetokyo)
Guest lecturer: Laura Kriefman, David Haylock
Coordinator: Xu Zhang, Jooyoung Koh, Kyoko Ifuku
Interpreter: Hyojung Seo
KYOTO EXPERIMENT Program Director: Yusuke Hashimoto